Package 'funchir'

Title: Convenience Functions by Michael Chirico
Description: YACFP (Yet Another Convenience Function Package). get_age() is a fast & accurate tool for measuring fractional years between two dates. stale_package_check() tries to identify any library() calls to unused packages.
Authors: Michael Chirico
Maintainer: Michael Chirico <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.2.99
Built: 2024-12-23 08:25:16 UTC

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Convenient Infix Operators


Several infix operators which are convenient shorthand for common set operations, namely, modulation (A\B), union (AUB) and intersection (A & B).


A %\% B
   A %u% B
   A %^% B



A set A.


idem A.


The above are simply wrappers for the base functions setdiff, union, and intersect, respectively, so output is exactly as for those functions.

See Also

setdiff , union, intersect


set1 <- 1:5
  set2 <- 4:6

  set1 %\% set2 # c(1,2,3)
  set1 %u% set2 # c(1,2,3,4,5,6)
  set1 %^% set2 # c(4,5)

Convenience Functions for Plotting


tile.axes is used in for loops to generate axes in a multi-panel plot with shared x & y axes (within row and column).

xdev2in is the inverse of graphics::xinch; namely, it converts from plotting device units into inches.


tile.axes(n, M, N, params = list(x = list(), y = list()),
             use.x = TRUE, use.y = TRUE)
   xdev2in(x = 1)
   ydev2in(y = 1)
   xydev2in(xy = 1)



Integer. Cell in mfrow to which to apply the axes; fills by row, following base functionality.


Integer. Number of rows specified in mfrow.


Integer. Number of columns specified in mfrow.


A length-2 list. params$x is a list of parameters to be passed to the x-axis. params$y is a list of parameters to be passed to the y-axis.


logical. Should the x-axis be printed?


logical. Should the y-axis be printed?


numeric value to convert into inches (along the horizontal axis).


numeric value to convert into inches (along the vertical axis).


numeric value to convert into inches (along both axes simultaneously).


tile.axes provides a simple way to incorporate the plotting of axes into a loop which creates the plots in a matrix of plots (e.g., by using par(mfrow=c(2, 2))) when the axes are shared by all plots. x axes are only printed on the bottom row of plots, and y axes are only printed on the first column of plots–this saves potentially wasted / white space by eliminating redundant axes, yet can still be done in a loop.

Some graphics functions specify some arguments with units in inches (namely, graphics::arrows' length argument). graphics::xinch provides the inverse functionality enabling conversion from inches into plotting units; up to numerical accuracy, then, graphics::xinch(xdev2in(x)) == x.

See Also



smpl <- rnorm(100)

  par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), oma=c(5, 4, 4, 2) + .1)
  for (ii in 1:2){
    hist(smpl[sample(length(smpl), 100, rep = TRUE)], xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
    tile.axes(ii, 2, 1)

Miscellaneous utile functions


Several odds-and-ends functions for data manipulation & representation, etc. See details and examples.


create_quantiles(x, num, right = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE,
                    include.lowest = TRUE, labels = 1:num)
   to.pct(x, dig = Inf)
   nx.mlt(x, n)
   divide(x, n, na.rm = FALSE)
   dol.form(x, dig = 0L, suff = "", tex = FALSE)
   ntostr(n, dig = 2L)
   embed.mat(mat, M = nrow(mat), N = ncol(mat), m = 1L, n = 1L, fill = 0L)



A numeric vector.


A number, typically an integer, specifying how many equal-count intervals into which to divide the data.


logical, indicating if the intervals should be closed on the right (and open on the left) or vice versa.


logical passed to quantile with the usual interpretation.


logical, indicating if an x[i] equal to the lowest (or highest, for right = FALSE) breaks value should be included.


character vector of length num; the labels to be applied to the resulting factor.


The number of digits to be included past the decimal in output; sent directly to round.


The suffix to appended/unit in which to express x. Currently one of c("", "k", "m", "b"), corresponding to plain units, thousands, millions, and billions, respectively.


Should $ be printed as \$ for direct copy-pasting to TeX files?


For nx.mlt, divide and ntostr, a number; see details. For embed.mat, an integer specifying the column at which to insert mat.


A file/connection where output should be written.


A matrix.


An integer specifying the number of rows in the enclosing matrix.


An integer specifying the number of columns in the enclosing matrix.


An integer specifying the row at which to insert mat.


An atomic vector specifying how to fill the enclosing matrix.


A vector of Dates.


create_quantiles is a parsimonious function for generating quantiles of a vector (e.g., quartiles for num=4 or quintiles for num=5). Basically a wrapper for the cut function; the type of the output is factor. Fails for vectors with overlapping quantiles (e.g., with >50% of values of x equal to zero) unless the correct number of labels (i.e., the number of unique quantile breaks) is given in the labels argument.

to.pct converts a number (probably a proportion, i.e., typically between 0 and 1) to a percentage; also has an argument (dig) which can be used to round the output inline.

nx.mlt returns the least multiple of n which (weakly) exceeds x. Convenient for making axes ticks land on pretty numbers.

divide divides the range (min through max) of x into n points (basically a shorthand for seq).

dol.form takes a financial input and converts it to a (American-formatted, American-currency) string for printing–appending a dollar sign ("\$") and inserting commas after every third digit from the left of the decimal point.

ntostr converts n to a character vector with each element width dig. This is particularly nice for converting 99:100 to "99" and "100".

write.packages captures the current package environment (inspired by sessionInfo() and writes it as a JSON to con with writeLines; a list version of this object is returned. This may be essential for tracking across time which package versions were being used.

stale_package_check reads a file (with readLines) and checks which functions are actually used from each loaded package. Currently only checks for library (i.e., not require) calls.

embed.mat inserts a supplied matrix into a (weakly) larger enclosing matrix, typically filled with 0s, at a specified position.

quick_year converts a Date object into its year efficiently; also ignores concerns of leap centuries. quick_mday returns the day of the month. quick_yday returns the day of the year. Returns as an integer.

See Also

cut, prettyNum


x <- runif(100)

  # Return which multiple of 1/7 least
  #   exceeds each element of x
  create_quantiles(x, 7)

  to.pct(x, dig = 2) #output of the form xxx.xx

  nx.mlt(x, 1/3)

  dol.form(x, dig=2L)

  ntostr(999:1000, dig = 3L) # c("999","000")
  ntostr(999:1000, dig = 2L) # c("99","00")


  inmat <- matrix(1:9, ncol = 3L)
  embed.mat(inmat, M = 4L, N = 4L)
  embed.mat(inmat, N = 6L, n = 4L, fill = NA)

  d1 = as.Date('1987-05-02')
  d2 = as.Date('2016-02-23')

Calculate an exact age in fractional years


For someone born May 1, 1990, what is their age on May 2, 2000? 10 years, but what if we want more precision? They are 1 day older, and May 1, 2001 is in 364 days, so they are 10 + 1/365 years old.

Things get more complicated when we include consideration of leap years, when the next birthday might be 366 days away.

get_age() solves this problem.

Note that it assumes there are no leap centuries (and hence may will be incorrect for dates before March 1, 1900 or after February 28, 2100). It also takes the stance that leap babies (those born February 29) increment their age on March 1 in non-leap years.


get_age(birthdays, ref_dates)



A vector of Dates (or input coercible with as.Date()). Each entry is someone's birthday.


A vector of Dates (or input coercible with as.Date()). Each entry is a "current date" at which to calculate the corresponding age.


Numeric vector of years (including fractional parts) between each ref_dates and birthdays entry.