Package 'potools'

Title: Tools for Internationalization and Portability in R Packages
Description: Translating messages in R packages is managed using the po top-level directory and the 'gettext' program. This package provides some helper functions for building this support in R packages, e.g. common validation & I/O tasks.
Authors: Michael Chirico [cre, aut], Hadley Wickham [aut]
Maintainer: Michael Chirico <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.2.4
Built: 2024-12-19 04:22:23 UTC

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Check for cracked messages more suitable for templating


Diagnose the R messages in a package to discover the presence of "cracked" messages better served for translation by templating. See Details.





A data.table, or object convertible to one.


Error messages built like stop("You gave ", n, " arguments, but ", m, " are needed.") are in general hard for translators – the correct translation may be in a totally different order (e.g., this is often the case for Japanese). It is preferable instead to use base::gettextf() to build a templated message like stop(gettextf("You gave %d arguments but %d are needed.", n, m)). Translators are then free to rearrange the template to put the numeric pattern where it fits most naturally in the target language.


A data.table with columns call, file, line_number, and replacement summarizing the results.


Michael Chirico

See Also

translate_package(), update_pkg_po()


pkg <- file.path(system.file(package = 'potools'), 'pkg')
# copy to a temporary location to be able to read/write/update below
tmp_pkg <- file.path(tempdir(), "pkg")
file.copy(pkg, dirname(tmp_pkg), recursive = TRUE)

# first, extract message data
message_data = get_message_data(tmp_pkg)

# now, diagnose the messages for any "cracked" ones

# cleanup
unlink(tmp_pkg, recursive = TRUE)
rm(pkg, tmp_pkg, message_data)

Check if the proper system utilities for running package translation are installed


potools uses the same gettext command line tools that R itself does to run translation. These are required for translation to work properly; this function is mainly for testing use & checks whether the current environment is equipped for translation.


check_potools_sys_reqs(which = SYSTEM_REQUIREMENTS)



Which requirements to test for. Defaults to all of the command-line utilities on which potools relies, namely,

  • msgmerge

  • msgfmt

  • msginit

  • msgconv


Specifically, potools relies on these command-line utilities:


TRUE if the system is ready for translation, otherwise a message suggesting how to proceed.


Michael Chirico

See Also


Check for untranslated messages emitted by cat


Diagnose the R messages in a package to discover the presence of messages emitted by cat() which haven't been translated (i.e., passed through gettext(), gettextf(), or ngettext()).





A data.table, or object convertible to one.


The function cat is commonly used to emit messages to users (e.g., for a verbose mode), but it is not equipped for translation. Instead, messages must first be translated and then emitted. Any character literals found in the package's R code used in cat but not translated will be flagged by this function.

For flagged calls, a potential replacement is offered, built using gettext or gettextf (depending on whether one or more ... arguments are supplied to cat). For the gettextf case, the suggested template is always ⁠%s⁠ (string) since this works for all inputs; the author should tighten this to the appropriate sprintf() template marker as appropriate, for example if the author knows the input is an integer, use ⁠%d⁠ or ⁠%i⁠ instead of ⁠%s⁠.

NB: not all cat calls are included – in particular, no cat call specifying a non-default file are flagged, nor are any where the supplied sep is not a character literal (e.g., sep=x instead of sep="")


A data.table with columns call, file, line_number, and replacement summarizing the results.


Michael Chirico

See Also

translate_package(), update_pkg_po()


pkg <- file.path(system.file(package = 'potools'), 'pkg')
# copy to a temporary location to be able to read/write/update below
tmp_pkg <- file.path(tempdir(), "pkg")
file.copy(pkg, dirname(tmp_pkg), recursive = TRUE)

# first, extract message data
message_data = get_message_data(tmp_pkg)

# now, diagnose the messages for any untranslated strings shown through cat()

# cleanup
unlink(tmp_pkg, recursive = TRUE)
rm(pkg, tmp_pkg, message_data)

Check for cracked messages in C/C++ sources


Diagnose the C/C++ messages in a package to discover untranslated messages





A data.table, or object convertible to one.


This diagnostic looks for literal char arrays passed to messaging functions (as identified by translate_package()) which are not marked for translation (by tagging them for translation with ⁠_⁠ or N_ macros). These strings cannot be translated until they are so marked.


A data.table with columns call, file, line_number, and replacement summarizing the results. replacement is NA at this time, i.e., no replacement is provided.


Michael Chirico

See Also

translate_package(), update_pkg_po()


pkg <- file.path(system.file(package = 'potools'), 'pkg')
# copy to a temporary location to be able to read/write/update below
tmp_pkg <- file.path(tempdir(), "pkg")
file.copy(pkg, dirname(tmp_pkg), recursive = TRUE)

# first, extract message data
message_data = get_message_data(
  custom_translation_functions = list(src = "ReverseTemplateMessage:2")

# now, diagnose the messages for any untranslated messages in C/C++

# cleanup
unlink(tmp_pkg, recursive = TRUE)
rm(pkg, tmp_pkg, message_data)

Extract user-visible messages from a package


This function looks in the R and src directories of a package for user-visible messages and compiles them as a data.table::data.table() to facilitate analyzing this corpus as such.


  dir = ".",
  custom_translation_functions = list(R = NULL, src = NULL),
  style = NULL,
  verbose = !is_testing()



Character, default the present directory; a directory in which an R package is stored.


A list with either/both of two components, R and src, together governing how to extract any non-standard strings from the package.

See Details in translate_package().


Translation style, either "base" or "explict". The default, NULL, reads from the DESCRIPTION field Config/potools/style so you can specify the style once for your package.

Both styles extract strings explicitly flagged for translation with gettext() or ngettext(). The base style additionally extracts strings in calls to stop(), warning(), and message(), and to stopf(), warningf(), and messagef() if you have added those helpers to your package. The explicit style also accepts tr_() as a short hand for gettext(). See vignette("developer") for more details.


Logical, default TRUE (except during testing). Should extra information about progress, etc. be reported?


A data.table with the following schema:

  • message_source: character, either "R" or "src", saying whether the string was found in the R or the src folder of the package

  • type: character, either "singular" or "plural"; "plural" means the string came from ngettext() and can be pluralized

  • file: character, the file where the string was found

  • msgid: character, the string (character literal or char array as found in the source); missing for all type == "plural" strings

  • msgid_plural: list(character, character), the strings (character literals or char arrays as found in the source); the first applies in English for n=1 (see ngettext), while the second applies for n!=1; missing for all type == "singular" strings

  • call: character, the full call containing the string that was found

  • line_number: integer, the line in file where the string was found

  • is_repeat: logical, whether the msgid is a duplicate within this message_source

  • is_marked_for_translation:logical, whether the string is marked for translation (e.g., in R, all character literals supplied to a ... argument in stop() are so marked)

  • is_templated, logical, whether the string is templatable (e.g., uses ⁠%s⁠ or other formatting markers)


Michael Chirico

See Also

translate_package(), write_po_file()


pkg <- system.file('pkg', package = 'potools')

# includes strings provided to the custom R wrapper function catf()
get_message_data(pkg, custom_translation_functions = list(R = "catf:fmt|1"))

# includes untranslated strings provided to the custom
#   C/C++ wrapper function ReverseTemplateMessage()
  custom_translation_functions = list(src = "ReverseTemplateMessage:2")

# cleanup

Compile .po files to .mo


This function compiles the plain text .po files that translators work with into the binary .mo files that are installed with packages and used for live translations.


po_compile(dir = ".", package = NULL, lazy = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)



Path to package root directory.


Name of package. If not supplied, read from DESCRIPTION.


If TRUE, only .mo functions that are older than .po files be updated


If TRUE, print information as it goes.

Create a new .po file


po_create() creates a new ⁠po/{languages}.po⁠ containing the messages to be translated.

Generally, we expect you to use po_create() to create new .po files but if you call it with an existing translation, it will update it with any changes from the .pot. See po_update() for details.


po_create(languages, dir = ".", verbose = !is_testing())



Language identifiers. These are typically two letters (e.g. "en" = English, "fr" = French, "es" = Spanish, "zh" = Chinese), but can include an additional suffix for languages that have regional variations (e.g. "fr_CN" = French Canadian, "zh_CN" = simplified characters as used in mainland China, "zh_TW" = traditional characters as used in Taiwan.)


Character, default the present directory; a directory in which an R package is stored.


Logical, default TRUE (except during testing). Should extra information about progress, etc. be reported?

Explain plural message criteria verbally


The nplural syntax in .po file metadata can be hard to grok, even for native speakers. This function tries to de-mystify this by providing verbal expressions of which numbers apply to which index in the msgstr array.


po_explain_plurals(language, index)



A single locale code. See translate_package() for details.


Optional. If supplied, a 0-based index to explain for a given language. If not supplied, all plurals for the supplied language are described.

Extract messages for translation into a .pot file


po_extract() scans your package for strings to be translated and saves them into a .pot template file (in the package's po directory). You should never modify this file by hand; instead modify the underlying source code and re-run po_extract().

If you have existing translations, call po_update() after po_extract() to update them with the changes.


  dir = ".",
  custom_translation_functions = list(),
  verbose = !is_testing(),
  style = NULL



Character, default the present directory; a directory in which an R package is stored.


A list with either/both of two components, R and src, together governing how to extract any non-standard strings from the package.

See Details in translate_package().


Logical, default TRUE (except during testing). Should extra information about progress, etc. be reported?


Translation style, either "base" or "explict". The default, NULL, reads from the DESCRIPTION field Config/potools/style so you can specify the style once for your package.

Both styles extract strings explicitly flagged for translation with gettext() or ngettext(). The base style additionally extracts strings in calls to stop(), warning(), and message(), and to stopf(), warningf(), and messagef() if you have added those helpers to your package. The explicit style also accepts tr_() as a short hand for gettext(). See vignette("developer") for more details.


The extracted messages as computed by get_message_data(), invisibly.

Update all .po files with changes in .pot


po_update() updates existing .po file after the .pot file has changed. There are four cases:

  • New messages: added with blank msgstr.

  • Deleted messages: marked as deprecated and moved to the bottom of the file.

  • Major changes to existing messages: appear as an addition and a deletion.

  • Minor changes to existing messages: will be flagged as fuzzy.

    #, fuzzy, c-format
    #| msgid "Generating en@quot translations"
    msgid "Updating '%s' %s translation"
    msgstr "memperbarui terjemahan bahasa en@quot..."

    The previous message is given in comments starting with ⁠#|⁠. Translators need to update the actual (uncommented) msgstr manually, using the old msgid as a potential reference, then delete the old translation and the fuzzy comment (c-format should remain, if present).


po_update(dir = ".", lazy = TRUE, verbose = !is_testing())



Character, default the present directory; a directory in which an R package is stored.


If TRUE, only .po files that are older than their corresponding .pot file will be updated.


Logical, default TRUE (except during testing). Should extra information about progress, etc. be reported?

Interactively provide translations for a package's messages


This function handles the "grunt work" of building and updating translation libraries. In addition to providing a friendly interface for supplying translations, some internal logic is built to help make your package more translation-friendly.

To get started, the package developer should run translate_package() on your package's source to produce a template .pot file (or files, if your package has both R and C/C++ messages to translated), e.g.

To add translations in your desired language, include the target language: in the translate_package(languages = "es") call.


  dir = ".",
  languages = NULL,
  diagnostics = list(check_cracked_messages, check_untranslated_cat,
  custom_translation_functions = list(R = NULL, src = NULL),
  max_translations = Inf,
  use_base_rules = package %chin% .potools$base_package_names,
  copyright = NULL,
  bugs = "",
  verbose = !is_testing()



Character, default the present directory; a directory in which an R package is stored.


Character vector; locale codes to which to translate. Must be a valid language accepted by gettext. This almost always takes the form of (1) an ISO 639 2-letter language code; or (2) ll_CC, where ll is an ISO 639 2-letter language code and CC is an ISO 3166 2-letter country code e.g. es for Spanish, es_AR for Argentinian Spanish, ro for Romanian, etc. See base::Sys.getlocale() for some helpful tips about how to tell which locales are currently available on your machine, and see the References below for some web resources listing more locales.


A list of diagnostic functions to be run on the package's message data. See Details.


A list with either/both of two components, R and src, together governing how to extract any non-standard strings from the package. See Details.


Numeric; used for setting a cap on the number of translations to be done for each language. Defaults to Inf, meaning all messages in the package.


Logical; Should internal behavior match base behavior as strictly as possible? TRUE if being run on a base package (i.e., base or one of the default packages like utils, graphics, etc.). See Details.


Character; passed on to write_po_file().


Character; passed on to write_po_file().


Logical, default TRUE (except during testing). Should extra information about progress, etc. be reported?


This function returns nothing invisibly. As a side effect, a ‘.pot’ file is written to the package's ‘po’ directory (updated if one does not yet exist, or created from scratch otherwise), and a ‘.po’ file is written in the same directory for each element of languages.


translate_package() goes through roughly three "phases" of translation.

  1. Setup – dir is checked for existing translations (toggling between "update" and "new" modes), and R files are parsed and combed for user-facing messages.

  2. Diagnostics: see the Diagnostics section below. Any diagnostic detecting "unhealthy" messages will result in a yes/no prompt to exit translation to address the issues before continuing.

  3. Translation. All of the messages found in phase one are iterated over – the user is shown a message in English and prompted for the translation in the target language. This process is repeated for each domain in languages.

An attempt is made to provide hints for some translations that require special care (e.g. that have escape sequences or use templates). For templated messages (e.g., that use ⁠%s⁠), the user-provided message must match the templates of the English message. The templates don't have to be in the same order – R understands template reordering, e.g. ⁠%2$s⁠ says "interpret the second input as a string". See sprintf() for more details.

After each language is completed, a corresponding ‘.po’ file is written to the package's ‘po’ directory (which is created if it does not yet exist).

There are some discrepancies in the default behavior of translate_package and the translation workflow used to generate the ‘.po’/‘.pot’ files for R itself (mainly, the suite of functions from tools, tools::update_pkg_po(), tools::xgettext2pot(), tools::xgettext(), and tools::xngettext()). They should only be superficial (e.g., whitespace or comments), but nevertheless may represent a barrier to smoothly submitting patchings to R Core. To make the process of translating base R and the default packages (tools, utils, stats, etc.) as smooth as possible, set the use_base_rules argument to TRUE and your resulting ‘.po’/‘.pot’/‘.mo’ file will match base's.

Custom translation functions

base R provides several functions for messaging that are natively equipped for translation (they all have a domain argument): stop(), warning(), message(), gettext(), gettextf(), ngettext(), and packageStartupMessage().

While handy, some developers may prefer to write their own functions, or to write wrappers of the provided functions that provide some enhanced functionality (e.g., templating or automatic wrapping). In this case, the default R tooling for translation (xgettext(), xngettext() xgettext2pot(), update_pkg_po() from tools) will not work, but translate_package() and its workhorse get_message_data() provide an interface to continue building translations for your workflow.

Suppose you wrote a function stopf() that is a wrapper of stop(gettextf()) used to build templated error messages in R, which makes translation easier for translators (see below), e.g.:

stopf = function(fmt, ..., domain = NULL) {
  stop(gettextf(fmt, ...), domain = domain, call. = FALSE)

Note that potools itself uses just such a wrapper internally to build error messages! To extract strings from calls in your package to stopf() and mark them for translation, use the argument custom_translation_functions:

  custom_translation_functions = list(R = 'stopf:fmt|1')

This invocation tells get_message_data() to look for strings in the fmt argument in calls to stopf(). 1 indicates that fmt is the first argument.

This interface is inspired by the --keyword argument to the xgettext command-line tool. This argument consists of a list with two components, R and src (either can be excluded), owing to differences between R and C/C++. Both components, if present, should consist of a character vector.

For R, there are two types of input: one for named arguments, the other for unnamed arguments.

  • Entries for named arguments will look like "fname:arg|num" (singular string) or "fname:arg1|num1,arg2|num2" (plural string). fname gives the name of the function/call to be extracted from the R source, arg/arg1/arg2 specify the name of the argument to fname from which strings should be extracted, and num/num1/num2 specify the order of the named argument within the signature of fname.

  • Entries for unnamed arguments will look like "fname:...\xarg1,...,xargn", i.e., fname, followed by :, followed by ... (three dots), followed by a backslash (⁠\⁠), followed by a comma-separated list of argument names. All strings within calls to fname except those supplied to the arguments named among xarg1, ..., xargn will be extracted.

To clarify, consider the how we would (redundantly) specify custom_translation_functions for some of the default messagers, gettext, gettextf, and ngettext: custom_translation_functions = list(R = c("gettext:...\domain", "gettextf:fmt|1", "ngettext:msg1|2,msg2|3")).

For src, there is only one type of input, which looks like "fname:num", which says to look at the num argument of calls to fname for char arrays.

Note that there is a difference in how translation works for src vs. R – in R, all strings passed to certain functions are considered marked for translations, but in src, all translatable strings must be explicitly marked as such. So for src translations, custom_translation_functions is not used to customize which strings are marked for translation, but rather, to expand the set of calls which are searched for potentially untranslated arrays (i.e., arrays passed to the specified calls that are not explicitly marked for translation). These can then be reported in the check_untranslated_src() diagnostic, for example.


Cracked messages

A cracked message is one like:

stop("There are ", n, " good things and ", m, " bad things.")

In its current state, translators will be asked to translate three messages independently:

  • "There are"

  • "good things and"

  • "bad things."

The message has been cracked; it might not be possible to translate a string as generic as "There are" into many languages – context is key!

To keep the context, the error message should instead be build with gettextf like so:

stop(domain=NA, gettextf("There are %d good things and %d bad things."))

Now there is only one string to translate! Note that this also allows the translator to change the word order as they see fit – for example, in Japanese, the grammatical order usually puts the verb last (where in English it usually comes right after the subject).

translate_package detects such cracked messages and suggests a gettextf-based approach to fix them.

Untranslated R messages produced by cat()

Only strings which are passed to certain base functions are eligible for translation, namely stop, warning, message, packageStartupMessage, gettext, gettextf, and ngettext (all of which have a domain argument that is key for translation).

However, it is common to also produce some user-facing messages using cat – if your package does so, it must first use gettext or gettextf to translate the message before sending it to the user with cat.

translate_package detects strings produced with cat and suggests a gettext- or gettextf-based fix.

Untranslated C/C++ messages

This diagnostic detects any literal char arrays provided to common messaging functions in C/C++, namely ngettext(), Rprintf(), REprintf(), Rvprintf(), REvprintf(), R_ShowMessage(), R_Suicide(), warning(), Rf_warning(), error(), Rf_error(), dgettext(), and snprintf(). To actually translate these strings, pass them through the translation macro ⁠_⁠.

NB: Translation in C/C++ requires some additional ⁠#include⁠s and declarations, including defining the ⁠_⁠ macro. See the Internationalization section of Writing R Extensions for details.

Custom diagnostics

A diagnostic is a function which takes as input a data.table summarizing the translatable strings in a package (e.g. as generated by get_message_data()), evaluates whether these messages are "healthy" in some sense, and produces a digest of "unhealthy" strings and (optionally) suggested replacements.

The diagnostic function must have an attribute named diagnostic_tag that describes what the diagnostic does; it is reproduced in the format Found {nrow(result)} {diagnostic_tag}:. For example, check_untranslated_cat() has diagnostic_tag = "untranslated messaging calls passed through cat()".

The output diagnostic result has the following schema:

  • call: character, the call identified as problematic

  • file: character, the file where call was found

  • line_number: integer, the line in file where call was found

  • replacement: character, optional, a suggested fix to make the call "healthy"

See check_cracked_messages(), check_untranslated_cat(), and check_untranslated_src() for examples of diagnostics.


Michael Chirico


See Also

get_message_data(), write_po_file(), tools::xgettext(), tools::update_pkg_po(), tools::checkPoFile(), base::gettext()


pkg <- system.file('pkg', package = 'potools')
# copy to a temporary location to be able to read/write/update below
tmp_pkg <- file.path(tempdir(), "pkg")
file.copy(pkg, dirname(tmp_pkg), recursive = TRUE)

# run translate_package() without any languages
# this will generate a .pot template file and en@quot translations (in UTF-8 locales)
# we can also pass empty 'diagnostics' to skip the diagnostic step
# (skip if gettext isn't available to avoid an error)
if (isTRUE(check_potools_sys_reqs)) {
  translate_package(tmp_pkg, diagnostics = NULL)

## Not run: 
# launches the interactive translation dialog for translations into Estonian:
translate_package(tmp_pkg, "et_EE", diagnostics = NULL, verbose = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

# cleanup
unlink(tmp_pkg, recursive = TRUE)
rm(pkg, tmp_pkg)

Write a .po or .pot file corresponding to a message database


Serialize a message database in the ‘.po’ and ‘.pot’ formats recognized by the gettext ecosystem.


  width = 79L,
  wrap_at_newline = TRUE,
  use_base_rules = metadata$package %chin% .potools$base_package_names

  package = "",
  version = "",
  language = "",
  author = "",
  email = "",
  bugs = "",
  copyright = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'po_metadata'
format(x, template = FALSE, use_plurals = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'po_metadata'
print(x, ...)



data.table, as returned from get_message_data(). NB: R creates separate domains for R and C/C++ code; it is recommended you do the same by filtering the get_message_data output for message_source == "R" or message_source == "src". Other approaches are untested.


Character vector giving a destination path. Paths ending in ‘.pot’ will be written with template files (e.g., msgstr entries will be blanked).


A po_metadata object as returned by po_metadata().


Numeric governing the wrapping width of the output file. Default is 79L to match the behavior of the xgettext utility. Inf turns off wrapping (except for file source markers comments).


Logical, default TRUE to match the xgettext utility's behavior. If TRUE, any msgid or msgstr will always be wrapped at an internal newline (i.e., literally matching ⁠\n⁠).


Logical; Should internal behavior match base behavior as strictly as possible? TRUE if being run on a base package (i.e., base or one of the default packages like utils, graphics, etc.). See Details.


Character; the name of the package being translated.


Character; the version of the package being translated.


Character; the language of the msgstr. See translate_package() for details.


Character; an author (combined with email) to whom to attribute the translations (as Last-Translator).


Character; an e-mail address associated with author.


Character; a URL where issues with the translations can be reported.


An object used to construct the initial Copyright reference in the output. If NULL, no such comment is written. If a list, it should the following structure:

  • year: Required, A year or hyphen-separated range of years

  • holder: Required, The name of the copyright holder

  • title: Optional, A title for the ‘.po

  • additional: Optional, A character vector of additional lines for the copyright comment section

If a character scalar, it is interpreted as the holder and the year is set as the POT-Creation-Date's year.


Additional (named) components to add to the metadata. For print.po_metadata, passed on to format.po_metadata


A po_metadata object.


Logical; format the metadata as in a ‘.pot’ template?


Logical; should the Plural-Forms entry be included?


Three components are set automatically if not provided:

  • pot_timestamp - A POSIXct used to write the POT-Creation-Date entry. Defaults to the Sys.time() at run time.

  • po_timestamp - A POSIXct used to write the PO-Revision-Date entry. Defaults to be the same as pot_timestamp.

  • language_team - A string used to write the Language-Team entry. Defaults to be the same as language; if provided manually, the format ⁠LANGUAGE <[email protected]>⁠ is recommended.

The charset for output is always set to "UTF-8"; this is intentional to make it more cumbersome to create non-UTF-8 files.


For po_metadata, an object of class po_metadata that has a format method used to serialize the metadata.


Michael Chirico


See Also

translate_package(), get_message_data(), tools::xgettext2pot(), tools::update_pkg_po()


message_data <- get_message_data(system.file('pkg', package='potools'))
desc_data <- read.dcf(system.file('pkg', 'DESCRIPTION', package='potools'), c('Package', 'Version'))
metadata <- po_metadata(
  package = desc_data[, "Package"], version = desc_data[, "Version"],
  language = 'ar_SY', author = 'R User', email = '[email protected]',
  bugs = ''

# add fake translations
message_data[type == "singular", msgstr := "<arabic translation>"]
# Arabic has 6 plural forms
message_data[type == "plural", msgstr_plural := .(as.list(sprintf("<%d translation>", 0:5)))]

# Preview metadata
# write .po file
  message_data[message_source == "R"],
  tmp_po <- tempfile(fileext = '.po'),

# write .pot template
  message_data[message_source == "R"],
  tmp_pot <- tempfile(fileext = '.pot'),

# cleanup
file.remove(tmp_po, tmp_pot)
rm(message_data, desc_data, metadata, tmp_po, tmp_pot)